akari hashimoto

“I won’t ask to be the person in your heart… but I can give you everything in her place.”
Akari is the heiress to Shinkari, a leading electronics manufacturer headquartered in Constella. Known for her prim looks and trademark red hair, she flourishes as the brand’s international ambassador.
After a harrowing episode on her first day in Miyogawa, Akari stumbles upon Rei. (Begrudgingly) sympathizing with the hapless girl, he offers her temporary refuge at his modest place—just until she gets her bearings in order.
It doesn’t take long for the erstwhile heiress to fall for her brooding prince. Akari’s temporary presence soon transforms into something… far more permanent, much to the dismay of her reluctant savior.
Yet, ulterior forces conspire against them. Of Akari’s myriad virtues, her unwavering loyalty sticks out the most. Her single-minded devotion to Rei is as admirable as it is tragic.
Knowing this, depraved actors will exploit her pure feelings to ensure their “happy end” never comes.

illustrator: ryuu kamiya
voice actress: yui hibari
“Rei is Rei. It’s not Rei who needs changing, but this rotten world… 💢 Hey, stop writing my words down! It’s embarrassing, okay?”
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shiori amesora

illustrator: ryuu kamiya
voice actress: tba
Elegant and even-tempered, Shiori is a sophomore at Seidou Academy, the prestigious university that Akari attends. Though just a year older than the Crimson “Princess,” this fair upperclassman conducts herself with grace well beyond her years.
Not that Akari isn’t posh herself, but Shiori possesses a certain je ne sais quoi that vexes the younger girl. With her mysterious aura and well-endowed figure, it seems she’s always a step ahead, much to Akari’s chagrin.
When it comes to feminine charm, anyway. If it’s about knowledge, then it’s Akari who tutors Shiori for practical exams. As for Shiori, she does her part by teaching Akari household skills and dispensing fashion advice. One could say their bond is as peculiar as it is steadfast.
Yet, can the innocent, precious bond between these girls hold up against the myriad wicked men scheming against them?
“Of course. I will be your friend, your ally… until the last cherry blossom falls in Miyogawa.”
voice actress to be announced!
rei tsukiyora
Brilliant. Kind. Strong. These words embody the prodigious Rei Tsukiyora…
The former Rei, anyway. Together with his childhood friend ××××××, they vowed to reach the pinnacle of Miyogawan society together: Rei would excel in sports, and ×××××× in commerce. Such was their lifelong arrangement, until that occured…
After a tragic incident beset the pair, Rei awoke from a week-long coma to find himself bedridden. ×××××× had vanished without a trace. Greeting him in her place was a staggering medical bill.
Rei, a prospect for the national juniors, had suffered substantial trauma to his legs. At his father's behest, Rei underwent an experimental procedure that restored his ability to perform everyday tasks. However, he would never be able to play sports at a competitive level again.
His prospects ruined, Rei’s scholarship was rescinded and his teammates gradually abandoned him. Betrayed and purposeless, Rei dropped out and found a new calling in Miyogawa’s underworld. Rumors say he abets seedy vendors in exploiting the island’s most vulnerable people.
Mired in a profound abyss, is there anyone who can reach out to Rei? Will he find redemption at the end of his maddening path?
“Brats like you don’t belong here. Leave if you know what’s good for you.”


illustrator: tsubaru tsukiyono
voice actor: shu sagisawa
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ryuichi saitou
Revulsion or reverence—the man known as Ryuichi Satou elicits diametric reactions depending whom you ask.
To women, he appears as a gallant gentleman who swoops in at the eleventh hour, rescuing them from stingy boyfriends and scum of the lowest order—or so the urban legends say.
To men, he is a slimy playboy who lusts after all that isn’t his. A veritable grifter who has never toiled a day in his life, instead using his family connections to buy his way out of trouble.
As the only son of an unrepentant hedonist, Ryuichi’s childhood was marked by chaos and vapid indulgence. His dear mother departed at a tender age, leaving a void no paramour of his father’s could fill. From time to time, the boy’s grandfather would visit him and play an inconsequent game of chess, but the old man seemed more concerned with Ryuichi’s status as an heir than a proper grandson.
Ryuichi never experienced the reciprocal love that a stable family offered. As he matured, his relationships with women were increasingly defined by conquest. Particularly, Ryuichi reveled in ravishing women with significant others. If mutual love eluded a supreme being like him, then it was a fallacy to begin with. To tear couples apart… that was his bitter refutation of the unconditional love he never had.
Yet, the further Ryuichi separated himself from the chaff, the more restless he became. Life at the summit was dismally lonely, inundated with boorish male executives and subterfuge.
Subconsciously, Ryuichi yearned for the ideal woman to share in his plight—not as an equal, for his narcissism wouldn’t allow that, but as someone who would complement his sublime being. Albeit, finding such a lady seemed impossible for a man of his high caliber.
Until one day, he chances upon a picture of Akari Hashimoto…

Ryuichi Saitou
“Heiress of Shinkari, your graces are wasted on him. This “Rei” is no man, but an insect deserving scorn. A third-rate specimen who dares to cross me.”
-Ryuichi S.
sprite and voice files coming soon!
tetsuo morita
Tetsuo “Gon” Morita. The son of an organized crime lord, Gon was born not lacking for anything, yet grew to be a man who wanted everything. The portly man indulged himself in every earthly pleasure with an appetite that never whetted.
A spawn of Miyogawa’s seedy undercity, Gon would never reach the upper echelons of society. Acceptable terms, really, for a man who never aspired for the best. The big man considered himself a buffeter first and foremost, and rarely a gourmeter.
While the sweetest fruit hangs at the highest branches, the strenuous effort required to extract them wasn’t worth it. Why sup on supermodels when aspiring ones were just as pretty—and much more desperate? A millionaire-dollar car offered marginal utility over a hundred-thousand dollar one, but it also drew unwanted attention from nosy onlookers and cops. Why risk it?
Unlike Ryuichi, who craved the limelight, Gon basked in the shadow’s obscurity, where he carried out his criminal activities and indulged his vices away from prying eyes. After all, blackmailing idols proved far more exhilarating than engaging in corporate doublespeak with trust fund babies. The rich and the unscrupulous… they were two sides of the same coin as far as Gon was concerned. He was often hired by elites to traffick contraband and… kidnap unsuspecting heiresses of rival companies.
Shielded from all consequences by his powerful father, it’s unsurprising this man is an obdurate misogynist. When a defiant Akari spurns his advances and escapes, Gon becomes livid. Not one to be denied, especially by a bratty girl of all things, he zeroes his sights on the young heiress. For the first time in his life, Gon gains a purpose: to mold Akari into a submissive sow whose sole function is to pleasure men.
"Assertiveness in a women is only another word for insubordination."